Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The marvelous work of the Holy Spirit

"Fix your thoughts on what is true and good and right. Think about things that are pure and lovely and dwell on the fine good things in others. Think about all you can praise God for and be glad about. Keep putting into practice all you learned from me and saw me doing and the God of peace will be with you." Philippians 4

It was a simple sermon full of important tidbits to remember and colored with humor bringing laughter from the congregation. And it stuck with me like honey after I walked out the church doors. Little did I know that the Holy Spirit was at work and would be using that sermon later that day in a conversation with my friend who lived miles away.

She had been depressed that day and saddened in her spirit, retreating to a dark bedroom with fans running to keep her cool and hot chocolate to warm her spirit. I had seen her post on Facebook when I returned home after church. As soon as I saw it, I knew. I heard the Lord calling and I knew I had to go. A simple note or email on the Internet would not be enough.

At first she did not answer her door - I feared she was not home. But just as I was about to leave a note on her door, there she stood. Inviting me in, I prayed the Lord would give me the right words to say.

We talked about alot that afternoon in her quaint living room full of memories, character and parts yet to be remodeled. I listened more than I usually do. That was good because she needed to get it out. To express what was bothering her.

Eventually, I shared with her what the pastor had talked about that morning during church. Some simple steps for living. (1) Focus on the positive when something negative happens. Don't repeat it and get it further etched in your mind and in the minds of others. The more you talk about it, think about it, the more it gets ingrained in your mind and the more down you feel. God does not desire this for His children. (2) Forgive others and yourself - sin can be like a tick on your body growing bigger the longer we hold on to it - get rid of it, toss it aside and stomp on it. Free yourself and the other person from the sin and forgive - even if they do not ask for forgiveness. (3) Everyday, write down three positive things in your life to be thankful for and meditate on them. Thank God for each one. There are blessings all around us - all we need to do is open our eyes and see, let them soak into our brain cells. And finally. (4) Think of one thing to increase your joy - many times that involves serving Him, reaching out to someone or perhaps just taking a walk through nature, viewing His awesome creation.

After I had shared this, she said to me, "I feel so much better," a smile emerged from her lips and from mine too. Who knew that sermon would reach my friend's heart? The Lord did and the Holy Spirit directed me to her door that day.

I call this a "God Thing". It is the marvelous work of the Holy Spirit and I have experienced it many times. Watch for Him. . . . listen to Him. . . . Serve Him when He calls. You will experience that true joy He talks about.

Have you had any experiences like this?

Blessings to you!