"He, who began a good work in you, will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus." Philippians 1:6
Since I wrote my last post, I am continuing my time of stillness before God and have not made any major decisions about which way to turn. However, I am reminded of a verse from Scripture that I had posted on our kitchen bulletin board for years - "God is always at work in you." And as I wait in my stillness, I see my Heavenly Father working. . . . . . . some doors have opened in my life that I call "God's doors of grace." And I am feeling confident and joyous about walking through those entries of divine goodness because each door conforms to the gifts God has given me. It's a fit!
(Reflection: I've been in more than a few places where it was not a good fit. That can be a very revealing experience about oneself. Simply put; a round peg does not fit into a square hole. And it just doesn't feel quite right inside one's spirit. . . at least not for me. I chalk it up as lesson learned and God had a purpose through it all - it was not in vain. Keep on keep'in on!)
Back to God's doors of grace. . . . .One door opened last week, while attending a Christian Education meeting at church. I was asked to write a script for a skit to promote Sunday School. The skit will be performed by members of our church family and is planned for the morning worship hour later this month. When pastor asked me to do this, it was as if a bright, beaming sun rose in my spirit! "I will be glad to write that for you," I said joyfully!
Another "door of grace" opened yesterday while I was out delivering sweet corn. (A fun thing to do if you have never tried it! My husband's family grows it every year on their farm and gives it all away! ) Anyway. . . . . . during one of my stops, a conversation arose about a former video/music presentation I had done for a group at a local church. The leader, who is planning this year's events, asked if I would return and do a similar presentation. S-M-I-L-E ! "I certainly would," I said.
And so, I will be sharing photos I have taken of God's creation, thoughts from His precious Word and play melodies I have composed on the piano. I can't wait to get started! This door also prompted me to think about other possibilities - what other groups might like me to come and share? Perhaps the Veterans Home. A call to them might be a good thing to do. What do you think God? Again, Be Still. Don't run ahead.
In the meantime, I have painted my kitchen, did yard work, shopped for groceries, had lunch with a friend, celebrated my grandson's birthday, have sweet corn to prepare for freezing and mums to plant into God's rich earth.
And as I proceed and try to get settled. . . . . . I'll listen and watch for "God's grace doors" to open.
Have you experienced "God's grace doors" in your life?
I love the place you're at in your life right now. You sound much happier, more content.
I'm trying to be still and listen, too. The manuscript rejection yesterday didn't hit me near as hard as I thought it would, mainly because when I submitted it to the agent, I said, "God, thy will be done." He clearly did not want me to have this agent, or it's not the right time, or something. I've accepted this and have moved on instead of wallowing in frustration and anger. I'm much more peaceful about it when I give it over to God.
Hi Melissa's mom! What a nice blog:) It is always great to see more writers in the family and looks like you have many opportunities before you:)
Thanks for your kind words and encouragement Terri and Melissa. I am new to blogging but Lis is a great teacher and resource person - what a special daughter I have. . . . thanks for visiting my blog:-)
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